Friday, August 22, 2014

Classroom Set Up

It's back to school time!
Some teachers are back in school.  Some teachers are sitting in professional developments secretly wishing they could be working in their classrooms.  And some are still soaking up the last bits of summer sun!  Oh how I envy you!  There's few things I love more than summer sunshine! 

Here in the 405, we finished up our first week of school.  My new incoming 6th graders are so sweet, wonderful, and precious!  They are social little bugs who just want to love and be loved!

In this post, I'll share some pictures of my classroom and general set-up.  Most self-contained teachers typically have larger rooms, with sinks, kitchenettes, washer dryer hook ups, fancy furniture.  Luckies.  Nope, I rock the standard square room with single student tables.

I rejoiced the day I moved into this classroom and got to leave the chairs-attached-to-the-desks behind!  I'm sure reg ed loves them...but not this SPED teacher!  During a meltdown, I'd much rather have the kid chunk the desk and the chair separately, thank you very much.  The other does way more damage.

Also, I can't stand sterile white Special Ed classrooms.  "Too much visual stimulation," they say.  So far, I've only reaped the benefits of a happy colorful classroom.  I think visual stim is good for kids.

This is the wall you see when you first walk in the room.  Over the "buckets" we post our classroom rules/social contract.  Each student has a folder for each subject.  Their work is always kept in their folders (including bellwork!) and they simply get it at the beginning of class, turn in their work in a separate basket, and put their folders back in the buckets!  It's a great flow and structure for my group.  They quickly learn that the expectation is to walk in, get their folders, and start working!  It's amazing for when I have a phone call or need to handle something with a student in the hall, the kids have their routine and follow it.

I fixed up cheap magazine organizers from ikea (the store adored by college kids and teachers alike).  I keep copies of all class activities or worksheets that are passed out to everyone in the corresponding day's bin.

Above is also my generic scale for student monitoring.  Gotta love Marzano!  Even kids who lack self-reflection are supposed to self-reflect and their teacher gets to be graded on how well they self-reflect.  But, whatever, I'll comply.

The black stacker trays will get the kids names on them and put their graded papers to take home there.  I make the kids put them in the trays to practice filing.  

And in the same corner!!!  Pencil sharpener...Pencils...Turn in basket...Not finished basket...dry erase markers...another red bucket (soon to be used for my intervention class for reg ed kids)...and my favorite poster which I refer to often when the kids are whining about being at school, then they tell me it's sooooo annoying.  Gotta love middle school.

This bookshelf is on it's last leg.  A teacher friend found it for me at a thrift store (they just gave it away).  I tightened the screws and hoped for the best.  The dry erase slates keep it grounded and stable.  If only it were worth spray painting!

Let's see if I can explain this not finished bucket and the use of folders.  In their folders, I have their activities for the week.  If at the end of the week they haven't finished what is in their folders, it goes in the not finished basket and they must work on that when they have down time or a reward day (I'm so mean).  It keeps unfinished work from getting misplaced or confused with their regular daily work.

These were an inspiration by my best friend who teaches one of the autism rooms in Norman.  Little buckets from Michaels $1 each in all of the colors.  They can keep their pencils here, a little calculator, highlighters, and I have a little spiral in them to keep documentation.  It's the best method I have so far of being able to document things when I'm working at their desks without having to stop, get up, find their data charts, and write things down.  Here I can just date it, write in it while I'm working with them, put it back, and it's all good to go.  Boom.  Documentation. Documentation. Documentation.

Also, everything they generally need is in their seats so my one student who, when he used to get up to get something and bother everything along the way, has no need to be up out of his seat during work time.

Back corner.  Materials!!!  We kind of have a theme of cats around here.   And you see my favorite quote.  I heard it at a yoga class and found it totally appropriate for my population of kids.  Ok...baskets for markers, colored pencils, and crayons.  The red bins have things the kids can do when they are done with work (flashcards, little puzzles, picture cards, just little things) as well as all the little manipulatives they need to help them.  The hanging file folders have little academic worksheets there as another option to do when they are finished early.  Nobody ever goes there--hmmm...I wonder why!  But I tell you what, it's good to have when lesson plans fall through, or you need a little something to do for the next few minutes.

This is my work in progress.  More cats.  :D
Passes are behind the actual picture of my cat.
This was a nasty shelf in the hall I just spray painted.
Yeah.  It's a sad little shelf craving purpose.  But we'll get there.
Dismissal checklist--thanks pinterest!!!!!

My desk!  Nothing fancy other than my sweet turquoise rolling cart guessed it...IKEA!!!  And a vintage chair another teacher was throwing out!'s turqoise and oh so cute!  The kids pull this around when they sit at my desk with me and we work on things on my computer.  Fat cat and a bee!!!  My fiance told me I couldn't keep that bee candle holder in our place when we get married, so I repurposed it into a pen holder.  Win-Win.  Also, this is probably the only time it's ever going to be this clear of items.  I'm a piler. 

That's it for now.  It's a long one.  Sorry for the doozy here!!!
Welcome to my little square room where we do extraordinary things happen everyday!

Happy Back To School everyone!!

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